Chá de Cadeira

Esperar pelo bus,salário,weekend,sol,despertador, phone call,liquidacão de inverno,dezoito anos,férias,primeiro beijo,Natal,fila de balada,sinal fechado. Esperar:por esperar.Aguardar algo(ou alguém)que está por vir.Esperar: desejar.Pensar fixamente em algo que deseja muito que aconteça. Chá de cadeira:Não ser chamado(A) para dançar em bailes,antigamente. Esperar pelo homem dos seus sonhos:tomar chá de cadeira.Esperar pela promoção:tomar um p.chá de cadeira!Wait,wish,wait.

sexta-feira, outubro 07, 2005

How good your English can be when U think you're falling in luv!
I know I’m going to break my heart but I really don’t care.It seems right how it feels.
He came to me as a good surprise.Those kind of surprises that should happen at least once a week…or everytime you consider your life a pointless adventure.
And so he came.
I must say I saw something sparkle in his eyes when he turned his head and looked at me when we were introduced.I’m one of those melodramatic fools-someone once said and so am I.
And then he smiles.That tiny smile with all those teeth.A simple smile that makes his cheeck wrinkles and press his eyes.He looks like a child when he smiles.Twenty- five, not more than that but already has those lines on his forehead that shows his age.Nice short dark blonde quite curly hair.I’ve never used so many words just to describe someone’s hair.But now I feel like I need to.This afternoon I feel that I could use all the words that I know just to describe the way he was dressed.
Average human being.That was the cutest thing about him.If he was in a crowd, full of English boys maybe- I said maybe- I wouldn’t notice him.Wouldn’t give him a single glance.A pair of over-weared jeans ,a navy blue jumper and really nice white trainners.Everysince I was in England I wondered why all those pink boys liked to wear white trainers and spiky hair.Do they really think they look good on that ????
I sat beside him although my friend was the one who was supposed to be sitting there.She was the one who was friends with him.She met him in London and he was her teacher.But now I sat beside him and that wasn’t on purpose!!!
Nice legs.Not too bony but not muscular at all.Never liked the muscular, addicted-to-gyms kind of guys.They make me feel sorry for not spending half of my day and salary on gym-related material.Always liked the skinny ones.They are nice to hug.You can even hold your hands on their back and they can sleep with you in your teenager single bed without complaining.Arms.Didn’t notice the arms under the navy blue jumper.They don’t matter anyway and I guess at this point I was too embarrassed to start staring at his large swimmer shoulders.It was only after my first mug of beer that In realized that.It is strange, drinking beer in mugs.I guess it came from the Germans who are great and invented it(have they?)but the English.Ahhh.They ‘ve got the accent!!!!!
*need a happy ending?Make it up!
I didn't have fact, I didn't have an ending at all!*