Chá de Cadeira

Esperar pelo bus,salário,weekend,sol,despertador, phone call,liquidacão de inverno,dezoito anos,férias,primeiro beijo,Natal,fila de balada,sinal fechado. Esperar:por esperar.Aguardar algo(ou alguém)que está por vir.Esperar: desejar.Pensar fixamente em algo que deseja muito que aconteça. Chá de cadeira:Não ser chamado(A) para dançar em bailes,antigamente. Esperar pelo homem dos seus sonhos:tomar chá de cadeira.Esperar pela promoção:tomar um p.chá de cadeira!Wait,wish,wait.

domingo, setembro 06, 2009

bed time histories

Já passa da hora de dormir, garotinha.
Mas a garotinha ainda quer olhar mais um pouco as estrelas, elas estão prá lá de bonitas esta noite.
O chocolate quente já esfriou, o pai já veio, abriu e fechou a porta de seu quarto mas ela continua lá a comtemplar estrelas.
O vento ventou mais forte e ela se confortou com a almofada velha, sem perceber que derrubava a caneca de leite.
De onde será que vem o brilho das estrelas? Por que elas não caem do céu?
Abriu a boca de sono e foi pra cama.
Deixou a janela aberta pois não podia simplesmente abandoná-las. Elas continuariam ali a brilhar para ninguém?
Dormiu acompanhada aquela noite.

Here comes the sun

It is kind of a dream.
Suddenly I wake up and I am really here, but it does not feel like a dream.
The house smells the same.
The pink bedroom is there, but now I live in the guest room.
The friendly dog was replaced by the spoiled cat, but never in my heart.
Toast smells go up the stairs and I come down to have them with butter.
Streets get confusing when all you want is crossing the road. Entering cars on the other side can also be excused.
Is Beatles being played somewhere?
"Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game. It's easy"
All I need is London.
The passion is back. Flowers are as colourful as before. People are as friendly as ever.
And time has finally came to change me. That was all I needed.
I can definetly see the changes on my picture at the same old mirror with the golden frame.
Now I like the tea and all the sweet seasonings in their food.
I go to the theatre. I do pay my own bills.
I am 29 but the 18 years old girl is still here, in everywhere I look.
Coming to the front door to pick up the letters with news from back home.
Shopping downtown and thinking what presents will suit best her beloved ones.
Time has passed. I think I did my best.
The adult one walks around by herself meeting friends from a time that will never come back.
Eating biscuits with ice cream and thinking about how silly and childish she was.
And how brave. How reckless and fearless.
Those things I will take home, she gave them back to me.
And a heart that breaths deeply and cannot wait for the whole life that is still to come.
London is as fashionable as before. And I am not, I am more.
I can feel it from far away.
I feel nothing will be the same again.

"Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right


Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right
It's all right."